FRC make tweaks as 3v3 rule altered

March 08, 2025
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The Football Review Committee have recommended six amendments to the new rules ahead of the final two rounds of the Allianz League.

The main tweak to the rules concerns the 3v3 rule, with teams now required to keep four players in their half of the field, which may include the goalkeeper. If the goalkeeper wishes to advance upfield to join an attack, another teammate must drop back into his own half.

There is also an easing of the rule surrounding "accidental or marginal" breaches of the rule, while teams who have their numbers reduced by a red or black card must maintain three players in the opposition half.

The Standing Committee on Playing Rules and Coiste Bainisti met last night and approved the amendments, while also requesting that Central Council bring forward their planned meeting by three days to Monday, 10 March.

This is with a view to having the rule amendments to the 3v3 structure and the other adjustments in for Round 6 of the Allianz Football League next week so teams have an opportunity to play a minimum of two games before the Championship begins.

Goalkeepers can progress into the opposition half but a teammate must drop back under FRC's rule tweaks

There was an expectation that no changes or adjustments would take place during the league but with the championship close at hand, it was felt that these adjustments should happen to allow teams get accustomed to them as before the championship campaign commences.

The FRC recommendations are as follows;

  • A breach of the 3v3 rule - which is now proposed to become 4v3 - in carrying, receiving or intercepting the ball or attempting to do so is a free kick from where the player crossed the halfway line.
  • A team must have at four players in their half of the field which may include the goalkeeper and at least three outfield player in the opposition half of the field.
  • In the event that a goalkeeper enters the opposition's half of the field, four of his teammates must remain in the team's own half. As it currently stands, three players will have to stay in the opposition's half.
  • There is an easing of accidental, unintentional or marginal breaches of the proposed "four back, three up" rule. Players who go four meters across the half way line or are not interfering in the play will not be punished.
  • Teams who have been reduced in numbers must still keep three in the opposition's half of the of the field at all times. There was some confusion during the League when teams lost a player to a red or black card but that anomaly has now been eradicated.
  • The kick-out reaching or going past the 40m line remains as does the clock /hooter.
  • A player who claims a kick-out mark can play on immediately and not be challenged for four metres. If the player is challenged in that space, a free kick shall be awarded 50 meters more advantageous to that player up to the opposition's 13m line. The player can also bring it back to outside the 40m arc for a two-point score.
  • An advantage has accrued if a point or a goal is scored. If no advantage has accrued to the team of the player awarded the mark, the referee will signal "no advantage gained" and the ball will be taken back to the points of the mark.
  • The removal of the word "directly" from the definition of a two-point score being played "over the bar between the posts...kicked by a player who has at least one foot on or outside the 40m arc and without the ball having been touched by another player.
  • A misconduct at games infraction by a team official to cost their team a 20m free rather than a 13m free but the free can be brought out to the 40m arc for a two-point attempt if so desired.