GAA introduces charge for children's Allianz League tickets

December 10, 2024
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The GAA has announced that it will charge for under 16s to attend higher-division Allianz League games for the first time next year.

Children's tickets for Division 1 and Division 2 in football and Division 1A and 1B in hurling will be €5 and can only be purchased alongside an adult ticket.

The GAA said that "this new arrangement has been introduced after consultation with our counties and to assist with event control and health and safety protocols for fixtures that attract bigger attendance."

It added that it reserves the right to extend the charge to other fixtures if there were concerns over stadium capacity.

Wexford GAA stopped allowing unaccompanied under 16s free into Chadwick's Wexford Park in September after an incident where a 12-year-old was attacked by a group of other children at the venue.

Juveniles have long been charged €5 for championship games, with higher prices for All-Ireland semi-finals and finals.

The prices of adult league tickets are unchanged at €20 (€15 for seniors/students) for Divisions 1/2/1A/1B, and €12 (€10) for Divisions 3/4/2/3.

Match bundles of seven tickets for €100/€70 or four for €65/40 (depending on the division) are available in football and six/three for €90/€50 in hurling, while there is also an early-bird discount of €5 on opening-round tickets purchased in December.